WOULD YOU BELIEVE: There are foods that can actually help you lose weight.
SOME FACTS: Cutting the fat out of your diet is not enough. It is important to replace the calories from fat by eating MORE of the right food rather than less food. Only by filling up your stomach consistently will you be able to satisfy your hunger in the long run. The trick is to find food that fills you up before you have too many total calories or fat calories. The simple way to do this is to use the EMI table. For example, the EMI value of broccoli is 17.1, which means that it takes 17.1 pounds of broccoli to provide 2,500 calories or about one dayss worth. You know that you cant eat 17.1 pounds of broccoli daily so you know this is a food that will help cause weight loss. There are thousands of such foods. This is explained briefly in this book on page 35, and in detail in Dr. Shintanis Eat More, Weigh Less Diet book. If you dont have a table handy, just remember to eat whole, plant-based foods not parts of foods or foods from animal sources. If you do this, the foods generally wind up being medium to high on the EMI scale. Remember that it is better to eat whole wheat berries rather than whole wheat flour, and better to eat whole wheat flour than white flour. Remember that it is better to eat the whole apple than applesauce, and better to eat applesauce than apple juice. By doing this, you not only take in foods that help you lose weight, but you also are using foods that are high in micronutrients and fiber that may help you prevent cancer and heart disease.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: Eat whole, medium- to high-EMI foods. Elipidate your diet. This invariably raises the EMI value of the food you eat so you can Eat More, Weigh Less. Learn to use the EMI as a guide to helping you find foods that cause weight loss.