How would you like to slow the aging of your brain by at least two years? One of the things that we all dread in the process of aging is dementia.
There are many many things you can do to prevent dementia. One of the best things to do is exercise because getting blood flow to the brain is really important.
Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is important in keeping up your antioxidants because of course Alzheimer’s disease has a lot to do with oxidation and inflammation.
A Harvard study followed a cognitive function of sixteen thousand women in the women’s health study and they call it the nurses’ health study.
They found that higher, larger consumption of berries was associated with significantly lower rates of cognitive decline. Even after considering other confounding factors. What this means is that this is one of the first population-based studies that suggests that the intake of blueberries, strawberries, and other berries are highly associated with slower rates of cognitive decline and the difference was not just small, it was up to two and a half years in terms of the slowing of the decline of cognitive function.
They suspect that one of the key nutrients that they believe to be responsible for the prevention of cognitive decline is Anthocyanin that is found in large quantities of berries especially blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries.