WOULD YOU BELIEVE: There are foods that can actually help you lose weight.
SOME FACTS: Cutting the fat out of your diet is not enough. It is important to replace the calories from fat by eating MORE of the right food rather than less food. Only by filling up your stomach consistently will you be able to satisfy your hunger in the long run. The trick is to find food that fills you up read more.
You now know that pie crusts are high in fat. What do we do if we want to keep the EMI of pie as high as possible, keep the fat as low as possible, and still keep the crust? There are a couple of solutions. First, try a dish with a crust sprinkled on top of it. An example of this is apple crisp. This is baked apple pie filling with a whole grain-based topping sprinkled atop it. You can use a number of items for the sprinkles.read more
Most fruits are high on the SMI scale and as a result will not contribute to weight gain. They also contain a wealth of vitamins and phytonutrients such as beta- carotene and vitamin C. But fruit has relatively high sugar content. Fructose, the natural sugar in fruit, can be absorbed very quickly. . It's not as bad as white sugar, but it's still not good for you in large amounts. As with processed sugars, it tends to read more
WOULD YOU BELIEVE: A 2-tablespoon serving of Ranch dip can be 18 grams of fat or 95% fat.
SOME FACTS: Bean dips are one of my personal favorites because they are so versatile. I love to use them to replace high-fat dips. They are also tasty, low in fat, and can be used for snack foods as well as sandwiches. A variety of beans can be used in dips and spreads, depending on your personal taste. read more
When using vegetables as a main or side dish, the challenge is to make them interesting. You also want to make them tasty, and the dishes should have enough variety to satisfy those who eat with you. Sauces can be your answer. Some are made from scratch, some are as simple as opening a bottle you buy at the market. The following nine ideas are examples of sauces you can either buy or prepare from scratch.read more