Can this diet fight prostate cancer and PSA? (prostatic specific antigen) Free e-book at
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men. The National Cancer Institute points out that around 80% of men who reach 80 years old have prostate cancer cells, but most of them don’t actually become full blown prostate cancer. So how do we prevent prostate cancer cells from growing? One clue is in population studies that countries that consume less fat have less prostate cancer. In a prospective randomized intervention in men with prostate cancer, researchers found that men on a low fat diet composed of just 15% fat showed fatty acid changes associated with decreased prostate cancer growth. In another study, a low fat diet of 10% fat showed a 4% decrease in PSA, which is a marker for prostate cancer, while those on a higher fat control diet had a 6% increase. Of course dietary fat may not be the only factor. Weight loss is also associated with lower prostate cancer risk. For a low fat diet that helps induce weight loss, consider trying my 7 Day Eat More Weigh Less diet program.
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