Bilateral mastectomy doesn’t improve breast cancer survival says new research. A lot of women who have cancer in one breast are afraid that it will recur in the opposite breast. So they opt to have both breasts removed. A recent study published in JAMA Oncology found that women with breast cancer who opted for bilateral mastectomy did not have any better survival rates compared to those who had a lumpectomy or just one breast removed. This study followed over 600,00 women with breast cancer for 20 years. While double mastectomy did lower the chance of cancer recurring in the opposite breast, it did not improve overall survival. This is likely because breast cancer deaths are due to the spread of the initial tumor to vital organs rather than any new cancers forming in the opposite breast. This study may not apply to the 1 in 500 women who have the BRCA gene.
Bilateral mastectomy doesn’t improve breast cancer survival over unilateral mastectomy. my e-book is at #d#drshintanibr#breastcancerr#breastcancertreatmentma#mastectomy #bi#bilateralmastectomye#metastasislu#lumpectomyR#BRCAgene