This ancient supplement was used in Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Middle Eastern medicine for thousands of years. It was used for a number of health conditions such as asthma, digestive problems, cough, and skin conditions. More recently, research has shown in both animal and human studies that it appears to be helpful in blood sugar and weight control. Meta analysis shows that this supplement may also be useful in skin conditions such as acne, eczema, atopic dermatitis, and even vitiligo. The supplement is black seed oil, which comes from the herb Nigella sativa. The active nutrient appears to be thymoquinone, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance. For skin conditions it’s used topically twice a day and appears to be as effective as corticosteroid cream. In blood sugar and weight loss research, one of the studies used half a teaspoon twice per day. Of course check with your doctor before adding any supplement to your regimen.
Here’s a surprising weight loss supplement that appears to be good for your skin and blood sugar. Free e-book Health Secrets at #drshintani #weightloss. #weightlosssupplement. #rashremedy. #Bloodsugarcontrol. #rash.#blackseedoil. #nigellasativa #atopicdermatitis.