Age 35 is way too young to die of colon cancer, but that’s how young Billy Kametz, a beloved anime voice actor was when colon cancer claimed his life. Colon cancer is rising among young people, so how do we stop it? Here are seven things you can avoid to help lower your risk of colon cancer. No. 7 is a bit surprising. No. 1, sugar sweetened beverages are associated with 32% increase in colon cancer risk. No. 2, inactivity increases colon cancer risk by 27%. No. 3, obesity is associated with 44% increase in colon cancer. No. 4, red meat consumption is associated with a 28% higher risk of colon cancer. No. 5, smoking increases colon cancer by 47%. No. 6 alcohol is associated with up to 60% higher risk of colon cancer. No. 7, the surprise is that high fat diet may increase colon cancer risk by altering the gut flora to be predominated by tumor promoting species of gut bacteria.
Age 35 is too young to die of colon cancer. Billy Kemetz Died of colon cancer at age 35. Cancer is rising among younger people, so how do we stop it? Here are seven things to avoid. See Free intro lecture. #drshintani #coloncancer #preventcoloncancer. #colorectalcancer. #fightcancer. #fightcancernaturally. #preventcancer. #cancerprevention. ##anticancerdiet#greenscreen