Colon cancer is the 3rd most common cancer in the US, and what’s alarming is that this is beginning to occur in younger and younger people, so how do we prevent it? Research is pointing toward dietary factors, because people are consuming processed and junk food at a younger and younger age. One emerging factor is gut flora, researchers have found that colon cancer is associated with an intestinal bacteria called fusobacterium nucleatum. Scientists believe that this gut flora suppresses the immune system that fights cancer which allows colon cancer to form. Research on dietary intervention shows that a high fat diet and red meat increase the species of gut flora and is associated with higher risk of colon cancer. Research also reveals that fiber, whole grain, fruit, and vegetables reduce the prevalence of fusobacterium nucleatum and is associated with less colon cancer. So to reduce your risk of colon cancer, consider eating more fiber, whole grain, whole vegetables and fruit and less fat and red meat.
Change your gut, Flora change your cancer risk? Colon cancer is increasing in young people, possibly because of dietary factors. JAMA oncol. 2017 jul 1. 291. Theranostics 2021. 11(12) 5889. #drshintani #coloncancer. #colorectalcancer. #coloncancerprevention. #anticancer. #anticancertips #gutflora. #microbiome #anticancerdiet. #greenscreen