Is this natural supplement better than a prescription drug that may have a connection to osteoporosis and possibly Alzheimer’s disease? #drshintani #naturalsupplement. #indigestion. #heartburn. #Omeprazole #protonpumpinhibitors #turmeric. #curcumin #greenscreen
About ⅓ of all Americans suffer from heartburn or indigestion according to a nationwide study conducted by Cedars Sinai. The most popular prescription medication for heartburn is omeprazole and similar medications known as proton pump inhibitors or PPI. As with all medications, these have possible side effects, such as abdominal pain and discomfort in the short run and osteoporosis and possibly even Alzheimer’s disease in the long run based on preliminary findings. So a lot of people are looking for alternatives to proton pump inhibitors. In a randomized study researchers found that curcumin which is derived from turmeric is just as effective at relieving heartburn as omeprazole with fewer side effects. So if you have heartburn, consider curcumin, the amount of curcumin used in the study was 250ml twice a day. And as with any supplement you should check with your doctor before using it.