12 hacks to help you control your blood sugar Part 1. Free ebook at PeaceDiet.org. #drshintani #bloodsugarcontrol. #reversediabetes. #reversetype2diabetes. #Controlbloodsugar. #bloodsugarhacks. #highfiberdiet.
Here are 6 more hacks for blood sugar control. No. 7, exercise at least the equivalent of 5,000 steps per day. No. 8, if you can’t get out to exercise, try soleus push ups. Using the soleus muscle under your calf muscle like tiptoeing about 60 to 80 times per minute while seated. No. 9, sleep and meditation can help control stress which reduces stress hormones which helps to control blood sugar. No. 10, amazingly heating, chilling and reheating carbs such as bread, pasta, potatoes, and rice reduces their glycemic index number up to 40%. No. 11, try intermittent fasting by not eating anything for at least 13 hours straight in a day, this helps improve insulin sensitivity but make sure you check with your doctor before doing this. No. 12, consider using supplements such as berberine, cinnamon, and fenugreek to name a few, and again check with your doctor before using supplements.
12 hacks to control blood sugar part 2. These are six more blood sugar hacks. See part 1 for the first 6 hacks in my last video posted yesterday. ##drshintani ##bloodsugarcontrol ##reversediabetes ##reversetype2diabetes ##Controlbloodsugar ##bloodsugarhacks ##highfiberdiet ##insulinsensitivity ##insulinresistance.#greenscreen
Here are 6 of the 12 hacks that I’ve learned over the years. NO. 1, Vinegar/Unsweetened lemon juice slows sugar absorption and reduces blood sugar spikes. No. 2, If you have to eat white bread choose sourdough bread as a propionic acid in it acts like vinegar and reduces the bread’s glycemic index number by 24%. No. 3, eat more high fiber foods such as whole grains, vegetables, and beans because fiber slows blood sugar absorption and it supports a good gut flora that helps stimulate GLP-1. No. 4, eat your high fiber greens before you eat carbs because the fiber in the greens will limit blood sugar spikes. No. 5, drink green tea, chamomile tea, okra water or even plain water as they help your kidneys to flush out some of the excess blood sugar. And No. 6, make sure you’re not deficient in magnesium, vitamin D, zinc, or chromium so that your insulin works properly. For 6 more hacks, look for my next post about part 2 of 12 hacks to control blood sugar.