Let me clear up this misconception that the best carbs are always complex carbs and that simple carbs are always bad for you. Simple carbs are sugars such as sucrose or table sugar or fructose like fruit sugar. A complex carb is a starch as in potatoes, rice or bread. White bread is a complex carb because it is made of wheat flour which is mostly starch, its glycemic index however is high at 100. An apple is almost all simple carbs fructose, yet its glycemic number is low at 51. In this case the simple carb in the form of a whole apple is better than the complex carb in the form of bread. What makes this complex carb unhealthy is that it is processed into fine particles as in white flour which causes it to be digested quickly and raise blood sugar quickly. By contrast, if you use stone ground or sprouted grain bread which has larger particles, the glycemic number drops down around 60 but still the simple carb is slightly better than the complex in this case.
When simple carbs are better than complex carbs. Simple carbs are sugars made up of one or two molecules of sugar. Complex carbs or long chains of doesn’t even hundreds of sugar molecules, but when carbs are processed into fine particles, they can be worse than simple sugars. #drshintani #sugars. #simplecarbs. #complexcarbs.#glycemicindex #processedcarbs. #refinedcarbs.