Cancer cells rely on new blood vessels to bring nutrients to them in order to grow. Angiogenesis is a process by which new blood vessels form to feed new cells including cancer cells. One way to slow or stop the growth of cancer is to block blood vessel growth factors or their receptors. This will inhibit the growth of blood vessels that feed cancer.
Here are 7 foods that inhibit angiogenesis;
No. 1 – Green tea,
No. 2 – Berries,
No. 3 – Tomatoes,
No. 4 – Garlic,
No. 5 – Turmeric,
No. 6 – Purple or Red grapes,
No. 7 – Kale and other cruciferous vegetables like broccoli or cabbage. Of course this is not intended to substitute for other treatment as prescribed by your doctor.
#anticancer#fightcancer#cancerprevention7 of the best foods that help to prevent or manage cancer by reducing its blood circulation. Introductory lecture at #drshintani#shintani#anticancer#cancercontrol#anticancerfoods. #anticancerdiet. #cancerprevention#fightcancer. #fightcancerwithhope