For years, we were taught that you can’t grow new brain cells once you’re an adult. But now research shows that we actually can and do grow new brain cells even to old age. We now know that a substance called BDNF or brain derived neurotrophic factors stimulate the growth of new brain cells and help to enhance brain function and memory. Here are 8 of the top nutrients that help produce BDNF; Number 1, Catechins which are found in green tea. Number 2, Anthocyanins found in berries. Number 3, Resveratrol found in red and purple grapes. Number 4, Curcumin found in turmeric. Number 5, Chlorogenic acid found in coffee. Number 6, Omega 3 oils that you can get from chia seeds, flax seeds, and fatty fish. Number 7, Sulforaphane found in broccoli. And Number 8, Healthy gut flora which is supported by soluble and insoluble fiber.
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