Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in the US, and it’s affecting younger and younger people even those who don’t smoke. Population studies have shown that people eating more foods with beta carotene in them but not beta carotene supplements were less likely to get lung cancer. So researchers realized that whole food high in beta carotene such as carrots, squash, and yellow and orange fruit and vegetables play a role in preventing lung cancer. To test the effect of other foods on lung cancer, researchers cultured lung cancer cells in a number of petri dishes and then added extracts of various foods to them. Researchers found that garlic, leeks, green onions, and brussel sprouts slowed or stopped the growth of lung cancer almost completely. They also found out that kale, cabbage, beets, and spinach, slow the growth by up to 90%. So to reduce the risk of lung cancer, consider eating more of these foods.
9 foods that can help you prevent or fight lung cancer. Free introductory lecture on cancer at #drshintani #fightlungcancer. ##lungcancer ##preventcancer ##anticancer #a#anticancerfoods#a#anticancerdiet