Recipe for life. Remember the simple poem to help you optimize your health and your life as a whole. #drshintani #youarewhatyoueat. #youarewhatyouthink. #wordshavepower. #dothewillofGod . #wearelove. #youarewhatyoudo. #wholeperson.
This is a little poem to remind you of what keeps you healthy. I call it recipe for life. Here’s the poem:
You are what you eat
You are what you drink
You are what you breathe
You are what you think
You are what you do
You are what you say
You are all the love you give
And you are what you pray.
So this is what it means, “you are what you eat”, you should eat mostly whole unprocessed plant-based foods. “You are what you drink”, avoid sugary and alcoholic beverages. “You are what you breathe”, stop smoking. “You are what you think”, think positive thoughts and you’ll become a positive person. “You are what you do”, exercise and do the will of God. The good you do will always come back to you. “You are what you say”, words have power, positive words get positive results. “You are all the love you give”, in the end what matters most in life is how much love you’ve given in this world. “You are what you pray”, prayer heals and prayer will keep you on the path you are meant to travel and close to God who will give you the strength and guidance to travel it well. I hope this helps you have health, success, happiness, and peace.