When simple carbs are better than complex carbs. Free ebook at PeaceDiet.org. #drshintani #carbohydrates. #simplecarbs. #complexcarbs. #reversediabetes. #prediabetes. #starches. #glycemicindex. #bloodsugarcontrol.#greenscreen
Category: Uncategorized
3 foods to limit to improve your blood pressure
3 foods to limit to improve your blood pressure. Free ebook at PeaceDiet.org. #drshintani #greenscreen #highbloodpressure. #hypertension. #bloodpressurecontrol. #controlbloodpressure. ##nutritiontips ##naturalhealthtips
This is what your Ha1c or Hemoglobin a1c means
This is what your Ha1c or Hemoglobin a1c means. With a changing diet, it will change over a 2 to 3 month period as the cells gradually die off and are replaced by new red blood cells. ##drshintani ##hemoglobinA1c##Ha1c##reversediabetes ##Controlbloodsugar,##bloodsugarcontrol##prediabetes
5 top herbs for brain, energy and stress management
5 top herbs for brain, energy and stress management. My free e-book is at www.peacediet.org. #drshintani #shintani #brainenergy. #Improvememory. #stressmanagement. #brainfog. #brainfogremedy. #mentalclarityandfocus #brainfocus
7 dangers of high blood sugar and diabetes
7 dangers of high blood sugar and diabetes. Free ebook at Www.PeaceDiet.org. #drshintani #shintani. #diabetes. #reversediabetes. #bloodsugar. #bloodsugarcontrol. #diabetescomplications. #highbloodsugar. #controldiabetes. #diabetescontrol.
Insulin resistance means more insulin is required to control blood sugar
Insulin resistance means more insulin is required to control blood sugar. High insulin increases obesity, blood pressure, triglycerides, and risk of diabetes type 2. #drshintani #reversediabetes. #bloodsugarcontrol. ##Metabolicsyndrome ##highbloodpressure ##bloodsugarcontrol##hyperinsulinemia ##insulinresistance##insulinsensitivity ##hypertension
Three signs you have diabetes
Three signs you have diabetes. The three P’s because high blood sugar causes your body to dump the excess sugar Through the urine, which means you lose water and calories, so you get thirsty and hungry all the time. www.peaceDiet.org. ##drshintani ##diabetes ##highbloodsugar ##diabetessigns ##Alwayshungry ##alwaysthirsty ##urinating
What superfood has two nutrients that act like insulin for blood sugar control?
What superfood has two nutrients that act like insulin for blood sugar control? Free ebook at PeaceDiet.org. #drshintani #greenscreen #bloodsugarbalance #bloodsugar #reversediabetes. #controlbloodsugar #insulinresistance #insulinresistance. #bloodsugarcontrol. #Glucosecontrol.
Why beef raises insulin more than pasta
Why beef raises insulin more than pasta. This is an answer to the question posted on my video comments ##greenscreen #drshintani #bloodsugarbalance #protein #insulin. #insulinresistance
68% less risk of stroke connected to this?
68% less risk of stroke connected to this? #drshintani #stroke. #strokeprevention. #cerebrovascularaccident. #preventstroke. #sleephygeine. #sleepdeprivation. #insomnia