8 Super foods that turn on longevity genes – also called sirtuin activators. See 42 of these food on page 64 of my free e-book at PeaceDiet.org ##drshintani ##longevityfoods##longevity##antiaging##antiagingfoods##antiinflammatoryfoods##antiinflammatory ##shintani ##telomeres
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Improve your memory and reduce your risk of brain decline, neuropathy, kidney disease, heart, disease, and diabetic retinopathy with this?
Improve your memory and reduce your risk of brain decline, neuropathy, kidney disease, heart, disease, and diabetic retinopathy with this? #drshintani #diabetescomplications #reversediabetes. #diabetescontrol. #improvememory. #kidneydisease. #brainhealth. #diabeticneuropathy. #diabeticretinopathy #controldiabetes
What high protein food raises insulin more than oatmeal or pasta?
What high protein food raises insulin more than oatmeal or pasta? For details, get my free e-book at www.PeaceDiet.org. #drshintani #bloodsugar #bloodsugarcontrol #insulincontrol. #metabolicsyndrome. #reversediabetes. #diabetescontrol #prediabetes. #prediabetesdiet #insulin #highproteindiet. #highfiberdiet. #highcarbdiet.
Cut sugar craving soon reduce risk of diabetes by 76% with this?
Cut sugar craving soon reduce risk of diabetes by 76% with this? It may even raise testosterone levels. #drshintani #bloodsugar #bloodsugarcontrol #diabetescontrol #diabetes. #prediabetes. #Insulinsensitivity #testosterone. #increasetestosterone. #sugarcravings. #fenugreek #greenscreen
8 surprising, super foods for blood sugar control
8 surprising, super foods for blood sugar control. Free ebook at www.PeaceDiet.org #drshintani #bloodsugar. #bloodsugarcontrol. #diabetescontrol. #reversediabetes. #Insulinsensitivity. #insulinresistance. #Controlbloodsugar. #diabeticfoods #controldiabetes
Is this ancient Hawaiian tea better than green tea to fight, diabetes and cancer?
Is this ancient Hawaiian tea better than green tea to fight, diabetes and cancer? #drshintani #heartdisease #anticancer #antidiabetes. #antihypertensive. #antiobesity. #antiinflammatory. #Mamakitea. #liverprotection. #reversediabetes.#greenscreen
Reduce your risk of cardiovascular death by 41% with this?
Reduce your risk of cardiovascular death by 41% with this? Get my free e-book at PeaceDiet.org. #drshintani #heartdisease. #cardiovasculardisease. #preventheartdisease. #heartfailure. #heartfailurefighter. #CoenzymeQ10. #coq10 #ubiquinone. #congestiveheartfailure.
12 things you can do for better memory and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease
12 things you can do for better memory and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Free e-book at. PeaceDiet.org. #drshintani #bettermemory #alzheimersdisease. #dementia. #preventAlzheimers. #brainhealth. #healthybrain. #longevity. #longevitylifestyle. #longevitytips #greenscreen
Top 6 nutrients to optimize insulin sensitivity
Top 6 nutrients to optimize insulin sensitivity. For list of foods that are high in magnesium and insoluble fiber, see my free e-book health Secrets at peaceDiet.org. #drshintani #diabetes #reversediabetes #insulin #insulinsensitivity #insulinresistance #VitaminD #magnesium #gutFlora #microbiome ##MicrobiomeHealth #Reversetype2diabetes #greenscreen
Five science pack supplements to reduce your risk of catching the flu
Five science pack supplements to reduce your risk of catching the flu. #drshintani #Theflu. #Zinc. #quercetin #astragalus. #Allicin. #vitaminD. #Influenza. #H5N1. #birdFlu