Category: Uncategorized
Top 10 foods that fight inflammation pain and auto immune disease
Top 10 foods that fight inflammation pain and auto immune disease. Free eBook at #drshintani #inflammation. #arthritis. #chronicpain. #chronicpainrelief. #autoimmunedisease. #rheumatoidarthritis. #antiinflammatory. #antiinflammatorydiet. #antiinflammatoryfoods.
7 of the top supplements for brain health
7 of the top supplements for brain health. #drshintani #Brainhealth. #naturalsupplements. #memory #cognitiveperformance. #boostmemory #turmeric #lionsmane. #ginkgo
8 Ways to fight insulin resistance
8 Ways to fight insulin resistance. #drshintani #diabetes. #reversediabetes. #bloodsugar. #bloodsugarcontrol. #wholegrain #diabetescontrol
The 6 best grains to reverse diabetes.
The 6 best grains to reverse diabetes. #drshintani #reversediabetes. #wholegrains. #wholegrain #bloodsugarcontrol. #diabetescontrol. #glycemicindex. #oatmeal. #brownrice. ##quinoa ##wildrice ##basmatibrown
What common beverages have the most caffeine and how much is safe?
What common beverages have the most caffeine and how much is safe? #drshintani #shintani #caffeine. #brainfunction. #energydrinks. #caffeinequeen #caffeineaddict #coffeeaddict #greentea. #matchatea #redbull #espressocoffee,
5 myths about diabetes you must not believe if you want to reverse diabetes type2
5 myths about diabetes you must not believe if you want to reverse diabetes type2. #drshintani #shintani #diabetestype2 #diabetes. #reversediabetes. #bloodsugarcontrol. #Insulinsensitivity #prediabetes. #bloodsugar. #hemoglobinA1c. #highcarbdiet. #highproteindiet #insulinresistance. #insulinresistancediet.
Fix brain fog and improve blood pressure control with this
Fix brain fog and improve blood pressure control with this. #drshintani ##shintani #luteolin #brainfog #bloodsugar #diabetes #fatigue ##brainhealth #brainhealthtips ##naturalenergy ##memoryenhancement ##focus. #brainfocus
Eating a lot of this is associated with double the risk of diabetes type two
Eating a lot of this is associated with double the risk of diabetes type two. #drshintani #shintani #antidiabetes #reversediabetes. #reversediabetestype2 #preventdiabetes. #animalprotein. #wholegrain. #Highproteindiet.
Extend healthy lifespan by up to 12 years with an herbal supplement?
Extend healthy lifespan by up to 12 years with an herbal supplement? It worked for mice now under research w humans ##drshintani ##shintani ##longevity ##healthspan ##fightcancer ##antiaging ##Lifeextension ##livelonger ##livelongerfeelbetter