Top 5 beverages for blood pressure. www. ##drshintani ##shintani ##bloodpressurecontrol ##highbloodpressurecontrol ##hypertensioncontrol ##controlbloodpressure ##herbaltea ##hibiscustea ##pomegranatejuice
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7 early warning, signs of high blood sugar
7 early warning, signs of high blood sugar. ##drshintani ##shintani ##earlysignsofdiabetes ##signsofhighbloodsugar ##controldiabetes #c#controldiabetesnaturally #r#reversediabetes #r#reversediabetesnaturally#c#controlbloodsugar
A superfood that helps brain function and cuts risk of dementia and alzheimers
A superfood that helps brain function and cuts risk of dementia and alzheimers ##drshintani ##shintani ##brainfunction ##brainfunctionsupport #m#memoryenhancement #m#memorysupport #p#preventAlzheimers #p#preventdementia #p#preventmemoryloss
Little known supplements, to prevent dementia
First, make sure that poor memory isn’t caused by alcohol, or medication, such as beta blockers, statins, painkillers, anxiety, medications, and other similar medications. Then make sure you’re not vitamin deficient. Then try these three. ##drshintani ##memoryloss ##dementia ##Alzheimers ##preventAlzheimers ##preventdementia ##brainfunction
How some carbs can help you lose weight
Carbs for weight control shouldn’t be surprising because the slimmest populations in the world eat lots of carbs. Look at Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines all eat lots of carbs but have low obesity rates. Research suggests that people will not eat over 4 pounds of food per day to feel satisfied. 4 pounds of potatoes provide 1279 calories. It’s not enough to cause weight gain and it’s low enough to induce weight loss. However if you process the potatoes into potato chips, just 16 ounces of chips provides 2500 calories. With potato chips you can easily exceed the amount of calories necessary to cause weight gain, but not with plain potatoes. Corn is another high carb food, which provides 1552 calories for 4 pounds of it. But making corn chips out of it would get you 9392 calories for 4 pounds. So it’s the processing of the carbs that make the fattening not the carbs themselves.
How some carbs can help you lose weight. This is a simplified response to those who thought my last post was too complicated. My full length book the “Peace diet”. Is s at. #drshintani #weightloss ##complexcarbs##glycemicindex##loseweight##refinedcarbs##ultraprocessedfood ##caloriedensity
When simple carbs are better than complex carbs
Let me clear up this misconception that the best carbs are always complex carbs and that simple carbs are always bad for you. Simple carbs are sugars such as sucrose or table sugar or fructose like fruit sugar. A complex carb is a starch as in potatoes, rice or bread. White bread is a complex carb because it is made of wheat flour which is mostly starch, its glycemic index however is high at 100. An apple is almost all simple carbs fructose, yet its glycemic number is low at 51. In this case the simple carb in the form of a whole apple is better than the complex carb in the form of bread. What makes this complex carb unhealthy is that it is processed into fine particles as in white flour which causes it to be digested quickly and raise blood sugar quickly. By contrast, if you use stone ground or sprouted grain bread which has larger particles, the glycemic number drops down around 60 but still the simple carb is slightly better than the complex in this case.
When simple carbs are better than complex carbs. Simple carbs are sugars made up of one or two molecules of sugar. Complex carbs or long chains of doesn’t even hundreds of sugar molecules, but when carbs are processed into fine particles, they can be worse than simple sugars. #drshintani #sugars. #simplecarbs. #complexcarbs.#glycemicindex #processedcarbs. #refinedcarbs.
Carbs that don’t make you fat
Carbs that don’t make you fat. It’s not carbs that make you gain weight. It’s processed food. Including processed carbs that can cause weight gain. it takes about 6 pounds of potatoes to provide one day worth of calories. But only 16 ounces of potato chips to provide a day worth of calories. Typically, people won’t eat 6 pounds of food so the potatoes can’t cause weight gain. But, most people can eat 16 ounces of potato chips in the day very easily so it’s the processing of the food that contributes to obesity. Not the car if they are in there hole unprocessed form. ##drshintani##weightgain##obesity ##naturalweightloss ##weightloss ##carbohydrates #greenscreen
When I hear that carbs make you fat, it’s clear to me that this person doesn’t understand carbs. Contrary to popular belief, carbs in their unprocessed form like in apples, rice and oatmeal really cannot help you gain weight. You would need to eat 9.1 pounds of apples, 5 pounds of rice, or 8.9 pounds of cooked oatmeal to reach the recommended calorie intake of about 2500 calories which is a rough estimate of how many calories an average active woman or inactive man needs per day to maintain their body weight. People won’t eat that much food so they can’t gain weight on these foods. In contrast, just 1.3 pounds of a large sweet muffin would provide the same 2500 calories. The point being, it’s not the carbs themselves that make you gain weight but rather the processed foods that include processed carbs that are high in calorie density and low in nutrient value that causes obesity. Therefore, incorporating unprocessed carbs into your diet can be a healthy and sustainable way to meet your daily calorie needs without worrying about weight gain.
A relatively new supplement for brain health
A relatively new supplement for brain health. Helps with alzheimers scores. #drshintani #alzheimers. #dementia. #brainhealth #bettermemory. #glycation #antiinflammatory#greenscreen
This is a supplement that is a precursor to thiamin or vitamin B1 that is absorbed more readily than ordinary thiamine supplements. The result is that the thiamine levels are naturally increased in the body including in nerves and in the brain. It is called benfotiamine. In a clinical trial it helped to reduce Alzheimer’s disease assessment scores by 44%, which indicates that it will help with dementia. An additional benefit is that it helps to reduce advanced glycated end products, which can contribute to inflammation. It also more directly reduces inflammation by slowing the conversion of arachidonic acid to proinflammatory prostaglandins. The typical dosage used is from 150mg a day up to 600mg a day. Of course as with any supplement, check with your doctor before using it.
Does sugar cause cancer? The short answer is No
Does sugar cause cancer? The short answer is No. But there are three ways in which processed sugar increases the risk of cancer. ##drshintani ##processedsugar ##sugarandcancer ##Insulin ##Highfiberdiet ##cancerprevention ##preventcancer ##fightcancer ##flightcancertogether ##Beatcancer
The short answer to this question is No. Sugar doesn’t cause cancer. However there are three ways processed sugar increases the risk of cancer. First Processed sugar tends to contribute to obesity, and obesity does increase the risk of cancer. No. 2, cancer cells require much more sugar to produce energy than normal cells because they are mostly anaerobic as a result of the Warburg effect. And third, processed sugar raises insulin levels, which can promote cancer growth. But don’t automatically go about replacing processed sugar with protein because protein also raises insulin levels, and high protein diets, especially animal protein, are also associated with a higher risk of cancer. So to reduce your risk of cancer, replace sugar with healthier high fiber unprocessed whole plant based foods which tend to be full of anti-cancer nutrients.
7 foods that boost energy and protect kidney, liver, and brain
7 foods that boost energy and protect kidney, liver, and brain. The super nutrient is PQQ. ##drshintani ##boostenergy ##brainfog##kidneydamage ##liverdamage ##brainhealth ##mitochondria ##longCovid##NAFL ##Fattyliver
A little known supernutrient is getting a lot of attention for its surprising health benefits including boosting energy, and the protection of liver, kidney, and brain cells. PQQ or Pyrroloquinoline Quinone isn’t just another antioxidant. It’s a powerhouse nutrient that affects the whole body. Its ability to boost energy through mitochondrial biogenesis makes it a legitimate candidate as an age reversal supplement. Mitochondria are the little organelles that produce ATP or energy for cellular function, protection, and repair. Animal studies suggests that it can help repair alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver damage, diabetic kidney damage and nerve damage. The added energy appears to improve cognitive and athletic performance as well. It may also help with fatigue of long covid. Here are 7 of the top sources of PQQ; 1. Parsley. 2. Peppers. 3. Kiwi fruit. 4. Papaya. 5. Tofu or Soy beans. 6. Spinach. And 7. Carrots.